Comfort teddy bears for the Wilhelmstift Children’s Hospital
Link to the children’s aid
50 teddies for the little patients in Hamburg
On July 7, 2020, we had the pleasure of presenting 50 comfort teddy bears to the Wilhelmstift Children’s Hospital in Hamburg. This was made possible by the company A2 Trading GmbH from Hamburg. Managing Director Mirko Ahrens has roots in the Rahlstedt district and his children have often been treated at the Wilhelmstift Children’s Hospital. For these reasons, it was a matter of the heart for him to be able to help here on site. When handing over the teddy bears, he received a painted picture from a small patient as a thank you. Maike Hinrichs, the Communications & Fundraising Officer, made it clear how urgently the teddies are needed here. We are happy to be able to help and thank the company A2 Trading GmbH very much for their generous and kind support.